Denise D. asked
We have a 125 lb. Great Pyrenees/Golden mix with grand mal seizures. She is three years old and is on phenobarb and potassium bromide. Breakthrough seizures are still occurring every four weeks, with as many as 16 over a 48-hour period. They only last one minute with loss of bladder control. She is also on thyroid meds for low thyroid. All of these problems began when she was a year old. She was given thorough testing at that time, including a CT scan, and the result was idiopathic epilepsy. We feel totally helpless and feel there must be more we can do to give her a better quality of life. Any suggestions?
February 4th, 2023
Paige J. answered
Despite being on two effective anticonvulsant medications (phenobarb and potassium bromide), your do...
February 4th, 2023
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I have found a lump under my dog's skin on his rib cage. He is 9 months old and is a golden retriever. What is it and what should I do?
November 5th, 2023
In November, my 8-year-old pit mix tore her ACL while playing. She was cleared for ACL surgery by the vet, who also prescribed ENDACARD for a slight heart murmur. However, she experienced a severe panting episode on Christmas night, followed by a noticeable increase in her belly size and loss of appetite two weeks later. We returned to the vet, who now says she is in dire condition and has prescribed different medications, including lasix. Could the ENDACARD have caused these issues?
February 24th, 2023
My dog Tucker is not feeling well. He has symptoms like laziness, vomiting (once), diarrhea (once), and now he won't go up stairs or jump on the couch. He also has a large lump under his neck that feels like a bone but I've never felt it before. The vet ran a SNAP CPLI test for pancreatitis, which came back fine, and advised not to give him food until morning. Now he doesn't want to eat or drink. He often chews rawhides and is tied when outside. What could be wrong with him and what further tests or actions should I consider?
February 18th, 2024
We have a miniature schnauzer. He has been licking the upper outside portion of his back leg. We noticed what looks like pink flesh bulging from his leg, however, there is no broken skin, no bleeding. It protrudes about 1/4" from the base of his leg. Any idea what this might be?
October 14th, 2024
I have a 49-year-old dog (in dog years) who is losing a lot of weight. What is good to feed her?
April 8th, 2024