We have a 13lb Maltipoo named Maximillion who has stopped eating, is hiding in corners, and will not let anyone touch him. He hasn't had a bowel movement in 3 days and is starting to bloat. He also appears to be in pain if picked up. He fell into the pool on Friday but was rescued within 10 seconds. He is almost blind. What should we do?
May 28th, 2023
My dog, Milo, a rat terrier mix weighing around 10 to 12 lbs, ate a mini Mr. Goodbar chocolate bar. He had his breakfast about 3 hours before this incident. What should I do to ensure his safety and prevent any potential harm from the chocolate?
April 28th, 2023
My cavapoo, Annie, who will be three in June, has been twitching her ears, shaking her head, panting, and whimpering for about an hour and a half. She was given 50 mg of trazodone over an hour ago but is still unsettled. Her ears are clean, there's no discharge or odor, and her gums are pink. She seems to be breathing normally but has been passing gas with a foul odor. What could be causing her discomfort and what should I do?
March 28th, 2024
My 2-year-old Boston Terrier, Juniper, has been experiencing diarrhea and is bleeding from the anus. She has been acting fairly normal and has shown interest in food and water. What could be causing this and what should I do?
June 19th, 2024
My dog, Dexter, a 30-pound Boston terrier, ate a Black Forest fruit snack containing real fruit juice concentrate. He seems okay but I'm concerned about any potential adverse reactions. What should I do?
October 22nd, 2023
My dog hasn't eaten in 3 days, keeps vomiting, pees everywhere, and has started to pee blood. She also seems more tired than usual and doesn't keep water down, throwing up mucusy substances. Her name is Minnie, and she's 10 years old. She recently had emergency surgery in October to remove masses on her uterus. What could be causing these symptoms, and what should I do?
May 29th, 2023