What kind of bandage should be used for a nine-year-old Golden Retriever with t-cell lymphoma cancer who has a swollen sore on her rear leg to prevent her from rubbing it on furniture and other objects?
October 14th, 2023
My 10-year-old chihuahua, Angel, had a seizure for the first time. The seizure lasted about 2 minutes, and she was disoriented afterward, scratching at her right eye, and seemed exhausted, wanting to lay around and be close to me. What could be the cause of the seizure, and what should I do next?
September 4th, 2024
I have a new rescue cocker that has suddenly developed loose and bloody stool. Her tummy is gurgling too. She still wants to eat and drink and her energy level is still good. Could this be from the change of dog food plus the stress of the change of environment?
March 21st, 2023
Three puppies have a swollen foot and/or toe which is hairless. The swelling has reduced but is still present over the last few days. They are not in pain when the area is touched or pressed, and they are active, eating fine, and otherwise healthy. The swelling started after they were outside for a while. What could be causing this and what should be done?
June 9th, 2024
I have a 1.5-year-old Biewer Terrier who has consistently hard stools that are small and cause him to strain when defecating. I've been giving him pumpkin daily, but it hasn't significantly improved his stool consistency. He eats Royal Canin for Yorkshire Terriers and drinks water a few times a day. What else can I do to help him?
November 29th, 2023
Can you give a dog Simbrinza and Travatan for glaucoma, or do you have to use Dorzolamide?
August 24th, 2024