Why does my dog want to eat everything, including dead bugs, dog feces, and other icky things, and how do I break her of this habit? Additionally, how can I prevent her from eating potentially poisonous items like mushrooms that sprout up in the yard?
July 4th, 2024
My vet's wife is in emergency surgery. I have test numbers from blood work done yesterday: Protein 8.1, Albumin 4.1, Phosphate 983, Creatinine 28, Glucose 533, Potassium 5.9 & NaK 24. All numbers are extremely high with the exception of NaK. I feel so sad and have no answers. Confused: Diabetes or Kidney problems?
July 20th, 2023
My cat has a black granular (seed-like) spot in her white fur under her chin. What is this? If I try to scratch it off, she bleeds.
August 30th, 2024
What will happen if a dog is given contaminated subcutaneous fluids, and what could be the cause of sudden bruising and death despite normal blood work and being administered antibiotics?
January 23rd, 2024
My 5-month-old puppy was lethargic yesterday and I'm concerned about parvo. She was acting normal for a few hours but got sick again. She's not vomiting or having diarrhea. Can a puppy with Parvo act normal for 12 hours then get sick again? What should I do?
August 20th, 2023
My beagle is six years old and has been experiencing paw inflammation, sores, and increased weight due to being on prednisone for allergies since I got new carpeting last summer. My vet diagnosed her with atopic dermatitis, but I'm unsure if the carpet is the cause. How can I determine if the carpet is the problem, and what steps should I take to manage her condition?
January 23rd, 2023