Can you get an STD from a sex toy?
August 17th, 2024
What does LGB stand for and what is the procedure's effect on type 2 diabetes?
March 25th, 2023
Do you have nurses that come to the house? My wife and I have a 21-day-old baby and we need help. We live in Boston, MA. What specific problems are you having with the baby? Do you need medical help, or just help taking care of the baby?
December 5th, 2024
I had a c-section in 2005 with no complications. In 2007, I experienced mid-cycle irregular bleeding while on birth control, which continued after I stopped the pill, became pregnant, and miscarried. A D&C in 2007 stopped the irregular bleeding temporarily, but it resumed later. My OB/GYN suspects a c-section reservoir or scar in the uterus causing menstrual blood to build up and leak out. Does this sound reasonable, and would this affect my ability to become pregnant again?
February 4th, 2024
I seem to end up in one bad relationship after another, including abusive and cheating boyfriends, and I got involved with a married man. I feel unable to find an available man for a healthy relationship that I deserve. Do you think this problem stems from something in my life or past that I need to address with a professional? If so, what do you think the main issue is?
January 26th, 2023
I have noticed a few small red spots on my stomach, particularly in a vertical line. They are not itchy or sore, and I barely notice them. I am a 29-year-old healthy Irish male with significant health anxiety. Should I be concerned about these spots, and could my anxiety be causing other symptoms like perceived issues with my peripheral vision?
April 20th, 2024