I had a bunionectomy yesterday. My blood pressure is 101/62 and my T-zone is red. I take cyclobenzeprine daily for restless legs. How am I and why is my face flushed?
August 11th, 2024
I am a 42-year-old female experiencing various symptoms including CNS issues, joint pain, confusion, memory loss, muscle pain and weakness, stomach problems, blurred vision, redness on my face, chest, hands, and feet, tremors, and small nodules under the skin on my arms and legs. I have been tested for thyroid, parathyroid, autoimmune conditions, and had an MRI of my head, all of which were normal. My latest thyroid test also showed normal results. What suggestions do you have for my condition?
January 9th, 2023
How worried should I be about chest pain experienced after climbing stairs on a drilling rig off the coast of Ivory Coast, West Africa? The pain was described as a raw, pressure-like sensation encompassing most of the chest and into the arms, lasting a few minutes and then fading. Should I be concerned for the next three weeks if I take it easy?
September 22nd, 2023
I woke up coughing a lot last night and felt like I needed to cough up phlegm. I am taking prednisone for allergies. Was this a pulmonary embolism? Additionally, I have a random bruise on my calf and am worried about deep vein thrombosis (DVT) even though I don't have any risk factors. Can prednisone cause bruises?
September 9th, 2023
I started experiencing intense pain in my neck and shoulder/arm within minutes of drinking any type of alcohol about nine months ago. The pain subsides after 5-10 minutes, and I don't drink again after it happens due to its unpleasantness. I am a 38-year-old female who drinks socially about 2-3 times per month. Are there any medical conditions that could cause this sudden onset of pain every time I drink alcohol?
January 9th, 2024
How did I get herpes type 2, was it something I could have gotten recently or had for years? I just noticed blisters this year and had symptoms like fever, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms. My friend says he doesn't have it, but he had a fever blister. Do you think I got it from him? I also had fever blisters on my mouth. I've been under a lot of stress and somewhat depressed, which is unusual for me. Could this have caused it? I haven't told anyone else but my friend, who got tested and doesn't have herpes type 2.
May 17th, 2023