I have a seventeen-month-old child who has had a cold, runny nose, and cough. Suddenly, she has very fast breathing and will not sleep. She usually sleeps through anything all night. She has a temperature of 102. Please advise.
September 12th, 2023
I'm 48 and started my woman's cycle 3 days ago. I've never experienced such heavy bleeding before, with bright red blood every few hours, even through my tampon and clothing. Should I be concerned or just go with the flow?
July 9th, 2024
I take Topamax for my migraines and want to take ecstasy. Is this a bad idea? What are the possible side effects?
August 3rd, 2023
What is Benign myoclonic jerk in infancy?
July 3rd, 2023
I have a 2001 Honda CRV. I replaced the fuel pump and the fuel filter because the car wouldn't start. The car turns over fine, but it still won't start. I'm getting fuel at least to the filter. What could be the issue?
May 10th, 2023
I took Tussionex probably 1 1/2 tsp, not knowing it was old and expired 06/6, and I drank it with a little carbonated orange drink. Should I worry? I didn't read the side effects on the internet until later.
December 29th, 2023