I have been experiencing unusual stomach sensations intermittently for 3 weeks, mostly in the afternoon or evening, along with recent breast soreness and weepiness. My period was 4 days late and lighter than usual, but I still had bad cramps. I've taken 4 pregnancy tests over the course of the month, all of which were negative. Should I consider these as PMS symptoms, or could there be another cause?
December 20th, 2024
I became pregnant in 2003 with my daughter after two one-night stands. The first encounter involved a condom that was not used properly, and the second encounter involved sex without a condom after the condom broke. I took the morning-after pill three days later. My daughter is white, so I can rule out the black man as her father. Which man is most likely to be her real dad, and can I ever know for sure?
February 5th, 2023
My daughter found household cleaning wipes behind the toilet and used them as toilet wipes. She is just under three years old. I noticed a rash down there the next day. She was already almost asleep, so I put hydrocortisone on it and put her to bed. I am worried if she will be okay, if I need to take her to the ER, when to know if it has gotten more serious, if there is an over-the-counter treatment, and what symptoms of shock to look for in a 3-year-old.
May 31st, 2024
What are the risks and chances of a successful full-term delivery with a Copper-T IUD (CuT) during pregnancy, and what is the advisability of removing the device in the early first trimester without disrupting the pregnancy?
May 15th, 2024
My 11-year-old daughter bit into a decorative pepper that is now burning her lips severely. She is using ice cubes, and I have tried butter, but it's not helping. Is there anything else I can do to relieve the burning sensation?
May 8th, 2023
I had my period two weeks ago, and three days later, I started feeling sick and like I was going to throw up. I still have that feeling, not always in the morning but sometimes all day. Could I be pregnant even though I had my period and haven't had sex since?
December 26th, 2024