I may have inhaled a peanut. How will I know if I did? And what will happen?
September 25th, 2024
My wife is on oxygen and uses an in-home device set on #4, along with weekly delivered bottled oxygen. We've been unable to get insurance and Medicare to cover a portable oxygen generator due to it being considered a luxury. Both current devices are steady flow, while the portable generator is a pulse feed and expensive. Would a portable oxygen generator effectively meet her needs, and is it worth the expense?
February 7th, 2023
I have been diagnosed with nasal irregular heart beat, reddening palms, anxiety, panic attacks, and a constantly racing heart rate. My heart rate often goes high, even on standing, and I find it hard to relax. I take statins and clopidogrel. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do?
September 5th, 2023
I believe I have either a yeast infection or balanitis/posthitis. Symptoms include a white film/discharge on the penis head and beneath the foreskin, small cuts or fissures on the tip of the foreskin, and a swollen foreskin. I have been dealing with this issue for a little over a week and it may be related to a sexual encounter where I did not clean my penis immediately. I had planned on using Lotrimin Ultra to see if it would resolve the issue. What could be causing these symptoms and what steps should I take?
November 20th, 2023
I went to the doctor for a poison ivy rash and had my blood pressure taken, which was 161/89, higher than I've ever recorded. I've been checking it regularly since then, with readings mostly around 155/89. I have a history of an aortic aneurysm (section replaced in 2007) and a bicuspid valve. I take Metoprolol 75mg twice daily. Should I be concerned about my elevated blood pressure, and what should I do next?
April 18th, 2024
My son is 13 1/2 years old and was diagnosed with SCFE in his right hip last year. He had surgery to put a screw in his hip last November. The orthopedic surgeon said his growth plate in that hip is almost closed. My son is 5' 5" and going through puberty. How will this premature closure of the right growth plate affect his growth/height? Is it expected that he will continue to grow after this right growth plate in the hip closes? Do children who have this surgery, which causes the growth plate to close, grow normally or is their height stunted because the growth plate closes early? Please explain what is the norm.
March 23rd, 2024