I've had a persistent cough for approximately 6 months and now have pain in my back or chest about half the time when coughing. I recently had a negative chest x-ray. Is it possible to have a tumor or lung cancer with a negative chest x-ray?
February 19th, 2023
Is there something that can quickly eliminate alcohol from the body to avoid failing an alcohol test, or something that can be taken within an hour or two to rid the body of all alcohol traces?
August 3rd, 2024
What can I do at home for a bad toothache?
December 4th, 2023
I usually have irregular periods, but this time my period has lasted for three weeks and I already had a period earlier this month. What could be the cause of this prolonged and frequent menstruation?
March 15th, 2023
What will a high blood calcium level do to the body and what could cause it?
November 20th, 2023
My last period was November 15, 2006. I am now pregnant. On December 27th, my hormone level read 14,000. I had an ultrasound the following day. The nurse told me that I was supposed to be 6 weeks pregnant, but the gestational sac looked only 5 weeks pregnant. I am not spotting or cramping. I had a miscarriage on October 4th of this same year. What are the chances that the baby stopped growing? Could my conception date be one week off? I am scheduled to get another ultrasound on January 4. I am scared. Can you provide me with any answers about what may be going on with my body? Thank you.
April 13th, 2024