I was diagnosed with vertigo a couple of months ago. The initial dizziness, like the room spinning, went away with medication. However, I started feeling dizzy again two weeks later with different symptoms: burning eyes (I have dry eye syndrome), somewhat plugged ears, sinus pain with no discharge, and a runny nose. I've taken Tylenol Sinus/headache medication with some success, but the dizziness persists. It's hard to describe, but it feels like a sensation in my ears at the same time. Should I see my internal medicine physician, or can I try another type of medication on my own?
August 13th, 2023
I have a chronic stimulated feeling in my clitoris, which worsens when sitting or laying down but is less noticeable when standing. I also experience pain above the pelvic bone, a constant feeling of needing to urinate, and only a small amount of urine when I go to the bathroom. The doctor has ruled out an infection, and an OBGYN found a tender spot on my bladder during a vaginal exam. I'm currently using a cortizone cream and a numbing gel. What could be causing these symptoms and what can be done about it?
August 2nd, 2024
I am a 46-year-old female experiencing three periods in less than two months, with unusually heavy and dark flow that has not ended as usual. I am also experiencing abdominal swelling and slight aching. I have had some signs of menopause like night sweats, but not recently. I am under a lot of stress and physically worn out from my job. Can you provide insight into what might be happening?
October 25th, 2024
My contact lens was bothering me and my eyes felt very dry. While looking for rewetting drops, I moved my lens out of my field of vision and now I can't find it. I'm not sure if I knocked it out of my eye and just can't find it on the floor somewhere, or if it is still in my eye but just stuck to the wrong side. What should I do?
November 10th, 2024
I will be having surgery on 3/21 for a rotator cuff repair. There is debris in my shoulder area from a fracture back on 9/21/2010 and a repositioned collar bone. I had 4 months of physical therapy but still can't raise my arm over my head. At pre-admission, the anesthesiologist explained that I would receive a needle in my neck for a nerve block and general anesthesia. I am worried about the needle and its safety. What are the risks, and how can I manage my anxiety about this procedure?
June 30th, 2024
Why does my son have sensations of crawly skin? He thinks it is bugs and has been crying a lot. He saw a bug yesterday and started crying, but we do not see any bites or swelling, no shortness of breath, no fever. He has been very scared of bugs before but never where he has had sensations of crawling with bugs. I do not know if it is a phobia or allergy or what.
July 12th, 2024