I was just bending over shaking out my hair and rubbing my scalp and realized it feels less sensitive than the left side and my right ear feels a little clogged, also most of my headaches are on the right side of my head. Any clue?
October 2nd, 2024
I have left-sided head pain that comes and goes every fifteen minutes or so. When the pain comes, it is extreme, and lying down flat makes it worse. The medications I took gave very little relief, and the pain started yesterday afternoon after working in the heat on my horse farm. This is the first time this has ever happened. I am not dehydrated, I have been drinking lots of water and rehydrating drinks. I do not have nausea, dizziness, or blurred vision, and I have no significant medical problems. The pain is extreme when it comes, like being stabbed in the head, and it lasts for a few minutes before going away for about fifteen minutes and then coming back.
September 12th, 2023
Should a ruptured appendix wound be left open or closed after surgery?
December 17th, 2023
I woke up about a week ago with an unusual vein-like anomaly on my penis. It is not rigid, but feels a bit like a tendon. It moves freely when touched and doesn't even seem to be attached at one end. It doesn't hurt, but makes me a bit nervous. I looked up Peyronie's Disease, and don't seem to have those symptoms. Please advise.
May 16th, 2023
I am having an odd sensation in my right upper quadrant—I feel a fluttering, a rapid feeling that has started happening in the last few days. I know I am not pregnant, but it is a feeling like being kicked by a baby. Any answers?
May 9th, 2023
What is an impairment rating of the hand and how can sensory testing be used to determine the impairment?
April 4th, 2024