It has been there for a little more than a month.
March 3rd, 2024
Is it normal for someone who has been clean of drugs for over 100 days to be depressed?
August 6th, 2024
My boyfriend has a swollen foreskin that has happened before but usually goes away within a couple of days. This time, it's been longer and is slowly getting better. It seems to occur when he is stressed and not taking care of himself well. The symptoms are similar to those of a yeast infection, including swelling, itching, and some discharge. What could it be?
November 18th, 2024
I need a medicine to help me stop throwing up. What options are available and how can I obtain them?
December 3rd, 2023
I got my period on October 21-25 and my spouse did not pull out on November 1. I thought my period came on the normal date on the 20th of November but it did not smell or seem like my normal period. The flow was not that light though. I have been feeling almost all of pregnancy symptoms, and I have 2 previous children. Is there a possibility I am pregnant?
August 6th, 2024
My ex and I had sex two weeks ago on November 18th, and she called me on December 2nd to tell me she was pregnant. She took a urine test and a blood test. I'm wondering if it's more likely that she was pregnant before our 'reunion' or if this baby is more likely mine. Will the blood test tell me when she got pregnant? Do you think it's likely that the baby is mine?
February 10th, 2024