My son broke his right clavicle. It's been five weeks since the injury. There still seems to be a bump where he broke it. Is that normal?
March 27th, 2024
My 3-year-old son had an echocardiogram, and the results indicated he might have an aortopulmonary collateral shunt or a fistula from the left main coronary artery to the right pulmonary artery. What does this mean, how serious is it, and how can it be fixed if needed?
January 9th, 2024
What causes a cyst to burst open?
September 19th, 2024
What can I feed a child who is allergic to eggs and milk?
October 6th, 2024
My 6-year-old daughter frequently urinates on herself, weighs only 32 pounds, and has clear urine. She has tried nose spray and Tofranil, but the issue persists. Her doctor suspects a rare type of diabetes. What could be the cause and what further steps should be taken?
August 14th, 2024
I am 39 years old and trying to become pregnant again. My last period began on September 30, 2006, and I expected my next period on October 28. I spotted on 10/26 and 10/27, but my period did not start. I took a pregnancy test on 10/30, which was negative. I had a D & C for a missed abortion on 8/8/06, and this would only have been my second 'normal' period after the procedure. My breasts are tender, and I'm emotional, but I'm unsure if this is due to pregnancy, an impending period, or stress. If the pregnancy test was negative, why haven't I started my period? If I am pregnant, why was the test negative?
January 7th, 2024