My son has two purplish bruises on his lower back, one on each side of the spine directly across from each other. He is 4 1/2 years old and very active, but he does not remember hitting his back there. He seems to bruise this area often, and I am concerned about the cause.
February 5th, 2024
When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I did 3 home pregnancy tests and they showed up negative, and my doctor did 3 tests which also showed negative. My doctor then did blood work and it showed up on my blood work that I was pregnant. Why does this happen? I am late this month and have done two pregnancy tests which show up negative. Am I uncertain if I am pregnant? Please let me know.
November 2nd, 2023
How do I control my hypothyroidism without hormone replacement?
October 28th, 2023
I had sex for the first time on Monday and experienced hot flashes, a foggy feeling, light to non-existent menstrual bleeding, constant tiredness, and nausea. My period was supposed to end, and everything went back to normal. What is going on with my body?
December 20th, 2023
I am 37 years old and have a bicornuate uterus. I conceived my first child without issues, but have been trying to get pregnant for four years without success. Can a C-section cause or create a bicornuate uterus? Why wasn't it noticed during my first pregnancy, despite several level 2 sonograms? Can a synechia be misinterpreted as a bicornuate uterus?
November 22nd, 2023
I have continued night time coughing, consistent need to swallow, voice becoming husky, and a tickle in the throat that changes from side to side. Additionally, I experience hoarseness and coughing bouts during the day. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do?
September 3rd, 2023