What could be causing my burps to smell like bad gas, accompanied by mild upper abdominal discomfort, and what can be done to alleviate these symptoms? Additionally, what could be causing the pain at the base of my wrist when I move my ring and pinky finger, and how can this be treated?
January 1st, 2023
I have been experiencing diarrhea for the past three days, starting with watery stools and progressing to soft stools. I also have mild abdominal pain and cramps that come and go quickly at different locations. Additionally, I have a constant urge for bowel movement but only feel the urge without any actual need. Should I be worried about these symptoms?
March 30th, 2023
How long does a small intestine ulcer take to heal and what treatment should I follow for it?
May 2nd, 2024
Can stealth or hidden pathogens, particularly viruses or bacteria that can infiltrate tissues at low levels, affect the detection of STDs like herpes and HIV? Additionally, if a person with HIV is on effective medication, could their viral load become so low that it's almost undetectable, and are there new drugs that can extract the virus from tissues?
December 23rd, 2023
I have a drug test tomorrow for a job, and I haven't smoked pot in 2 weeks (16 days exactly on test date), but I used to smoke regularly. I bought a detox drink and passed a home test a few days ago. How different are the home tests to the lab ones, and should I be fine? I also took niacin and am drinking a lot of water. Any additional advice to pass the test?
April 7th, 2023
My son has a mark on his arm that we think might be a bite, but we're not sure. He says it doesn’t hurt or itch. What is this and what should we do?
April 21st, 2023