A close family friend in Deschutes County, OR, has a history of severe depression and drug use. After a recent suicide attempt, he miraculously survived but is currently blind, under heavy medication, and has frontal lobe damage. His mother wants to handle his healthcare and financial matters, but his girlfriend may also want to do the same. Given his current state, what kind of attorney would be needed to help his mother obtain the necessary power of attorney, and what legal steps should be taken to ensure she can manage his affairs?
April 23rd, 2024
I signed a land contract yesterday. The seller provided neither confirmation nor denial for several key questions regarding the property, including whether the property has fill or expensive soil, abuts a public road, or is part of a Homeowners Association. Is this legal?
December 23rd, 2023
I am preparing a motion for a new trial in Monroe County, Michigan. What font type and size are typically used by lawyers in these cases, and will a court reject the document if the margins are not exact?
February 16th, 2024
Can I legally prevent an ex from continuing to communicate with me in any form, given that we live in different states (OH and NC) and I have previously been denied restraining orders despite her persistent attempts to reach out?
July 31st, 2023
May an Illinois FFL Dealer keep banned weapons, in inventory at the time the PICA law was passed, for sale outside Illinois to other licensed FFL Dealers?
August 30th, 2024
As a Mexican, if I tell the Mexican consulate in Colombia that I have been here illegally for over a year and need a new passport after having all my documents stolen, will they report me to Colombian immigration?
December 27th, 2023