Can my employer single me out as the only employee that will not get a cost of living raise this year?
September 20th, 2023
My sister-in-law and her boyfriend filed their taxes together this year and had a baby in April. They have since broken up and still live together with their son. What are the next steps she needs to take, and will they need a divorce?
April 13th, 2024
How can I break my lease with my current realtor without my husband's consent, given that I'm the primary lease holder and he's the secondary? We have severe marital problems and I want to dissolve our union.
December 10th, 2024
What should be done when calling the police or any other authority?
May 27th, 2024
Upon the death of a person receiving VA and SS disability benefits, who is responsible for contacting these government agencies to inform them of the death? Also, is it correct to assume that upon the death of a person, there will still be one (or a partial) check coming?
January 20th, 2023
The government was grossly negligent and caused mass genocide. They then put sewer water on me, causing it to spread more. I am in Wisconsin and have tried to get a lawyer, but people are blaming me instead of holding the government accountable. What steps should I take to get justice?
December 14th, 2024