I sold a truck with an installment agreement that specifies payments between the 5th and 10th of each month. The buyer has been consistently late with payments. The last payment was on 2/21, and no payment has been made in March. I am the lienholder. Legally, how late does a payment have to be before I can repossess the truck, and what are my rights under the agreement?
April 23rd, 2024
I need an attorney to review a three-page separation and release agreement for any major omissions or damaging inclusions. The agreement involves one partner leaving a three-person partnership, with the other two partners buying out the leaving partner's share. The agreement was drafted by an attorney hired by one of the remaining partners. What potential issues or omissions should be looked for in this agreement?
January 21st, 2024
What is the court fee for a libel (slander) suit in Utah claiming compensation for $500,000, and can you suggest a lawyer specializing in libel cases in Salt Lake City, Utah?
June 14th, 2023
What is the definition of an Act of God, and if someone rented you a building they didn't own, which you were unaware of, and the building, known to be unsafe, collapsed during a storm, could they claim it was an Act of God?
August 15th, 2023
In the state of PA, are you supposed to remove copies of photo ID and social security cards from the personnel files after the I-9 forms are completed? I know you are supposed to keep the I-9 forms separate, but I was not sure if the social security cards and photo ID copies needed to be removed and shredded as well. Please advise.
April 18th, 2024
Recently deceased father bought a home in 1995 for $195K as his primary residence. In 2011, he added his daughter onto the title as Joint Tenant (she did not occupy the home). He died in 9/2012. The house is now selling for $265K. Is the daughter or the Trust liable for taxes on the gain from the time of purchase or the value of the home at the time of death or nothing?
March 15th, 2024