I want to open a cigar lounge in NYC where I can sell cigars and allow patrons to smoke them, as well as sell and serve alcohol. I know there's a ban on indoor smoking in NYC but want to know if there's any way to legally achieve this. How can I do it?
December 2nd, 2024
What laws protect me and my cats from my neighbor who is upset about feral cats in the neighborhood and has set a trap near my property, leading to the disappearance of one of my cats? My neighbor claims the cats are a nuisance due to their scent and has expressed a desire to remove them.
February 10th, 2024
As an independent legal nurse consultant in Illinois, who will do cases by contract for various attorneys or business persons, how much Illinois state tax do I charge, or do I charge tax? I am a sole proprietor.
June 27th, 2023
Electronic Testimony Application approved but judge says must attend all hearings/trial. The other party submits a motion to be heard on the next court appearance. Do I have to appear? Is this considered a hearing?
March 14th, 2024
I was subpoenaed to give a deposition about my banking accounts that have my son's name on them for the last 5 years. He and his wife are getting a divorce. It will cost $5.00 for a statement or over $400.00. My banking business is no business of his wife or her lawyer. Do I have to provide these statements?
January 22nd, 2024
My business installed a new parking lot. We paid the contractor in full. He did not pay a subcontractor and they put a lien on my business property. What can we do?
September 14th, 2024