If I got married in August 2016 in Louisiana and the marriage license wasn't filled, am I still legally married? Additionally, if a lawsuit has been filed due to an auto accident for a settlement, am I entitled to part of the cash settlement?
June 23rd, 2024
Can I travel with an I-551 stamp on my passport, which states 'Upon endorsement serves as temporary I-551 evidencing permanent residency for one year' and 'Pending I-751'? My passport is Iraqi, and I am concerned about the airline recognizing the stamp and the new travel ban.
August 12th, 2023
My husband passed away. All our assets are in joint custody, and he has a will dated 2013. I don't know what to do next. What state are you in? It matters because laws vary by location. Has anything been filed or reported? Anything else you want the lawyer to know before I connect you?
October 9th, 2023
What are the limitations and exceptions to Free Speech under the 1st Amendment, specifically regarding 'fighting words' that may incite violence, and how do these apply to online speech?
March 3rd, 2023
My husband was given a random breathalyzer test at work on 27 May 2017, where he blew a 0.4, exceeding the allowed limit of 0.2. He was advised to either resign or be terminated and chose to self-enroll in a 30-day rehab/detox program to save his job. However, he was let go due to using the Employee Assistance Program in 2015. He has been sober since then and has tried to get the union to speak on his behalf. We are unsure why he was put under duress to resign instead of being fired and feel he has been wronged. What should we do to fight for his job back?
February 24th, 2023
Can my husband, who has a sex offender record from over 25 years ago, go on vacation to Cancun, Mexico?
April 3rd, 2023