What is the legal limit for annual withdrawals from a Massachusetts non-profit endowment fund?
June 10th, 2024
I have a question about divorce.
August 11th, 2024
A judge granted default on my behalf for not showing up to court due to the law firm sending the mail to the wrong address, resulting in my inability to appear in court about an accident that happened on 01-20-08. Now, if I get the judgment overturned, can the law firm refile against me? Because the law states that over two years a person cannot file against you in an accident.
June 16th, 2023
I have a pending civil case in Wisconsin against me, stemming from a criminal charge. If the plaintiff wins the civil case, I understand that bankruptcy won't discharge the settlement due to its origin in a criminal charge. Can I be threatened with jail if they can't collect money from me due to no job for wage garnishment, no assets, or if I never pay them? What other recourses do they have besides wage garnishment or asset repossession, specifically in Wisconsin?
April 5th, 2023
I have neighbors 2 houses away who are constantly on their stoop with a crowd of 5 to 25 people, creating noise that affects my ability to enjoy my own property. I suspect drug activity due to their outdoor drinking and frequent car visits where people seem to be dealing. What can I legally do?
June 5th, 2024
Can I sue the Tampa Police Department for police brutality and the Hillsborough County Jail system for breaking my arm?
June 4th, 2023