Can I use triamcinolone on a spot on my face and nose swelling, exacerbated by Crohn's disease welts and sores on my body? I have been dealing with this issue for years, and this is a new breakout that is worse every time. The breakout is all over my back, and my current medications are clearing it up. I just didn't know if it was safe to put some triamcinolone on the swelling and discoloration on the side of my nose. My medical history includes Crohn's disease, which has been in remission for some time, but seems to be limited to the skin now. I also have some lesions in my stomach.
November 30th, 2024
I work in an office and someone left a rusty razor blade in my drawer, which cut my finger. The cut was very shallow and didn't bleed much. Am I at any risk of infection, particularly from HIV or hepatitis C? I'm extremely anxious and worried.
January 11th, 2024
Can I take two Tagamet at once for acid reflux if it is not relieved?
May 22nd, 2024
I feel like fluid is always in my urethra and it's uncomfortable, especially when I lay down. It doesn't ooze out, but I think it's prostate fluid that comes to my penis tip when I poop and sometimes when I pee. My penis tip doesn't hurt or burn, just feels like there's fluid. This feeling has been on and off since last April. I've been to two urologists, all STD tests and urinalysis were negative, and a prostate ultrasound was also negative. Not masturbating helps temporarily, but the issue always comes back. What do you think this is?
July 24th, 2023
I feel very bloated an hour after eating, regardless of what I eat. My stomach feels tight and I sometimes experience asymptomatic pain in the upper part of my chest. I have normal bowel movements and occasional racing heart episodes, especially when at rest. I had a nissen and cholecystectomy about 8 years ago, and I have normal blood pressure. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do?
November 5th, 2024
My boyfriend has two small blisters under the penile head. Can this be caused by a swimming pool? He hasn't seen a doctor yet, and I'm concerned about catching anything. He has high blood pressure and is on blood thinners. He swears he hasn't been with anyone else. What should we do?
March 28th, 2023