Can someone who was successfully treated for neurosyphilis show signs of infection 5 years later or is a positive blood test for syphilis a sign of a new infection?
July 5th, 2023
What outward appearance would a body have if the person died from a massive brain hemorrhage, such as evidence of bleeding or other notable signs?
December 5th, 2024
What does "CBC" test for when blood work is done?
May 23rd, 2023
Is there any known connection between encephalitis and dyslexia?
December 22nd, 2024
I try to lose at least 20lbs but I have tried many kinds of diet pills and they are not working for me. What can I do?
July 31st, 2024
I have terrific itching all over my back from my neck down to my waist. What can be the cause?
September 8th, 2023