I am a 33-year-old male who has been frequently visiting escorts for the last 6 years, always engaging in protected vaginal sex with a condom but receiving unprotected oral sex. I recently had a gonorrhea infection treated, which was attributed to the unprotected oral sex. I am due for a health check-up and am experiencing anxiety, stabbing pains in various parts of my body, and headaches. I am concerned about possibly contracting HIV. What are the risks and should I be tested?
January 14th, 2024
I have been experiencing major issues with my vaginal area for the past four months, which is affecting my sex life. I am 18 years old, on Augmentin Antibiotics for strep (25mg twice a day) and the mini pill, and have Reynaud's. I have had STD tests, which all came back negative. What could be causing my discomfort, and what can I do to alleviate it?
May 19th, 2024
If you are prediabetic, can you drink amino energy and other sweetened but sugar-free products without worsening your condition? I was told that these can interfere with insulin production and make it harder for the body to detect real sugar, is this true?
October 10th, 2023
Why are my boobs so itchy? There is a red patch in the middle from scratching. Is it benign?
July 8th, 2023
My wife and I have difficulty in penetration during sex due to her vagina having difficulty opening. She rarely asks for penetration and enjoys oral sex instead. She has mentioned that her vagina is smaller than average, and she has discussed this issue with her mental health specialist. What could be the cause and what solutions are available?
August 31st, 2024
I have a cold that has lasted for 2 weeks. I am 26 years old and not using any medications. What symptoms should I be aware of, and how can I manage them?
March 7th, 2024