I have a huge fear of food poisoning and am concerned about eating a birthday cake that sat out for two hours with regular frosting and a buttercream or cream cheese filling. The room temperature was between 66-69 degrees. Could this cause food poisoning?
November 2nd, 2024
I am experiencing severe muscle spasms in the rhomboid/upper to mid back region. How long have you had the spasms? Have you used any medication for it? Have you seen a doctor about the spasms? Anything else in your medical history you think the Doctor should know?
October 22nd, 2024
Is it possible to have implantation bleeding 2 weeks before your period, and how can I distinguish it from ovulation bleeding if I'm experiencing frequent urination, pink spotting, mild cramps, and pregnancy symptoms but get negative pregnancy tests?
December 30th, 2024
I have spinal stenosis and my primary doctors will no longer prescribe hydrocodone. I had an epidural on September 23 and was okay until this week. They have prescribed tramadol and a muscle relaxer, but they don't relieve the pain. I don't know what kind of doctor to see. Are you able to prescribe hydrocodone or refer me to a doctor who will?
May 9th, 2024
Can HIV be transmitted through saliva, a brief vaginal encounter without ejaculation, or from sharing a joint with someone who is HIV positive? If someone has HIV with opportunistic infections, would their CBC with differential be abnormal? Does HIV cause weight gain?
February 6th, 2024
What can cause my nose to always be congested? I always feel like I don’t have a smooth flow of air when trying to breathe in and out of my nose. It always feels muffled and if I try to blow my nose nothing comes out. I have been experiencing this for many years and it’s starting to annoy me. I sometimes get sneezing fits and feel congested at night. I wake up congested every day and usually clear my nose in the shower. I have sleep apnea and don’t use my machine. I recently started using a saline spray and taking Zyrtec due to dry throat and irritation from snoring. My right nostril is clear but my left is stuffy or muffled. What could be the cause and what should I do?
May 29th, 2024