I have a three-year-old granddaughter who has recurring soreness of the vagina. Doctors have been treating her for thrush without actually seeing it. This started in January and seems to keep coming back. I'm concerned it could be linked to diabetes. We have had her urine checked and no infection was found. Would sugar have shown up in the test if it were diabetes? What else could it be?
May 11th, 2024
I am 70 years old and interested in penile growth or medical assistance for enlargement. Is it possible to attain real growth through surgery or other methods, or am I kidding myself?
October 12th, 2023
I have a sore muscle on the top of my right leg inside. Do I need heat or ice?
July 3rd, 2023
Can Chlorella cause one to urinate more often than usual?
June 9th, 2024
What does it mean if my eyes feel dry and sticky and then become watery? This tends to happen later in the day, and often my blood vessels in my eyes become really red.
June 21st, 2023
Has any disciplinary action been taken against Dr. Nelson? He was recommended for eye surgery.
March 31st, 2024