I have abdominal fat referred to as an 'apron'. It has been extremely hot and humid, causing excessive sweating between the folds, leading to redness, swelling, welts, itching, and warmth. How can I obtain relief?
October 3rd, 2024
I went to the dentist for mouth sores on the bottom exostoses, which the dentist attributed to brushing too hard. They prescribed an antibacterial mouthwash and suggested a brush biopsy if the sores don't improve in 2 weeks. I'm worried about the possibility of mouth cancer and whether my exostosis might prevent me from eating hard foods in the future. What do you think?
March 29th, 2023
I went to the urgent care center for fever and a sore, swollen throat with difficulty swallowing. I was diagnosed with strep and given Amoxicillin. After 24 hours of treatment, the swelling and difficulty swallowing have worsened, but the fever is slightly better. Should I go to the ER now, or will another 24 hours of pain make a significant difference in my ability to swallow?
November 30th, 2023
I had my LEEP procedure for CIN2 HPV three and a half weeks ago. I was bleeding minimally but consistently as expected. But today I had anal sex for the first time and since then have been bleeding bright red blood, which I haven't seen since a few days following the procedure. Also, I'm having slight abdominal cramping. Should I be concerned about this? What would you recommend I do?
November 12th, 2024
I noticed a red ring under my left armpit this morning. There is no pain, itching, or swelling. I have good health, but I'm not sure if sweating could be related. What could this be and what should I do?
January 2nd, 2023
My mother, who is 82 years old and takes Oxybutynin along with other medications, has started noticing the whole pill in her feces, indicating it is not dissolving in her stomach. Can you explain what's happening?
May 27th, 2024