I have an upset stomach. How long have you had the upset stomach? How old are you? Are you currently using any medications, either for the upset stomach or anything else? Anything else in your medical history you think the Doctor should know?
June 23rd, 2023
I am a 37-year-old male with a history of COVID. I woke up with a stuffy nose, slight sweat, and feeling run down yesterday. Today, I have muscle and joint aches, a stuffy nose, a raw feeling where my nose and throat meet, and slight chest irritation that makes me want to cough. Does this sound like a common cold or COVID?
May 13th, 2024
I've had diarrhea for about a month, with pain in my lower right abdomen that comes and goes and worsens after eating. The pain is stabbing, and I also experience chills, nausea, and yellow, watery stool. I can't keep food down, and the pain is getting worse. I started taking Cymbalta a month ago, and the side effects were similar to my current symptoms. What could be causing these issues, and what should I do?
September 2nd, 2024
My daughter has cellulitis and it’s now a big blister. What should I do if it pops? She is 26 years old, was given an antibiotic shot today, and is on antibiotics and suboxen. How long should I wait before seeing improvement, and what should I do if the blister breaks?
June 4th, 2024
I spilled hot soup on my right leg and got a third-degree burn. It has been a week since the incident. I am concerned about the burn and have additional medical conditions, including Type 2 Diabetes. The nurse couldn't remove the worst part of the burn due to the pain. Do I need to be admitted to the hospital?
June 25th, 2023
What is the equal dose of MSIR (immediate release morphine) to 15mg of OXY IM (OxyContin immediate release)? I take oral morphine ER 60 mg 2x a day (1am & 1 pm) and oral morphine ER 30 mg in between. I also use OXY IM 15 mg 6x a day for breakthrough pain. The OXY 15 mg IMM is no longer available. What is the mg conversion from OXY 15 to MSIR?
August 28th, 2023