I have intermittent pain in my upper arm, not constant but occurring in different positions. Can you describe the pain more elaborately, is it felt in the shoulder joint also? Is the pain aggravated by any movements? Since when are you having the pain? Any noticeable swelling in the painful area?
February 14th, 2023
I have pitting edema of my lower extremities. My B/P medication has been changed from metoprolol to Norvasc. My PCP has told me there is nothing that can be done and I should elevate my legs. I find this difficult to accept as good advice. The skin on my legs is shiny and the general color is darker than previously. My legs are itchy and I have scratched causing bleeding and I no longer have a pair of shoes that fit. What should I do about my condition?
September 28th, 2023
Can I travel to India/Delhi to see a doctor who will prescribe me 90 days of Valium to return back to Australia? I have a local doctor I have to see every 2 weeks and drive 160km. If I could get a doctor to prescribe that for me, I would go over.
April 12th, 2024
My 85-year-old dad was in a diabetic coma with complications resulting in a prolonged stay in ICU. He went in with short-term memory loss/dementia and his medical issues were resolved over a 5-week ICU stay. His muscles have atrophied, and none of his limbs moved during these 5 weeks. His neurological issues are affected to the extent that he is less responsive—he will only open his eyes occasionally, but responds to pain, sound, and touch. Will he regain any arm and limb mobility through rehabilitation, and can rehabilitation be used to work on his neurological problems?
May 14th, 2024
My son suffered a traumatic head injury at the age of three and has since faced various challenges, including being diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder. He is currently taking Abilify and Seroquel, but his symptoms are worsening. I believe his issues stem from the head injury and am seeking information on retraining the brain, programs for neurologically impaired individuals, and ways to get a comprehensive neurological assessment. How can I get professionals to focus on his brain health, and what treatments or therapies might help him?
December 1st, 2024
Laying in bed in half asleep stage in the morning, my brain suddenly felt like mild electricity going thru every part of the brain and then my head jerked 3-4 times to the right. No pain, just panic. I'm female, 57. It happened yesterday morning, lasted seconds. I have depression, RLS, very painful leg pain, joint pain on hip, knee, ankle mostly on the right. Had Rotary Cuff Surgery 04/08. Take meds for thyroid, cholesterol, RLS/anxiety, acid blockers for severe GERD, and B12 shot once a month.
February 2nd, 2024