I was asked by my primary doctor to take an HSV 1 and 2 test. I took the test and got my results back today. Can you explain these results to me? What do they mean? Do I have herpes 1 and 2? Would you be able to tell me if I just got infected or not?
July 20th, 2024
My wife says my body jerks violently when I sleep after having a few alcoholic drinks during 'Happy Hour'. This doesn't seem to be a problem with beer and wine. I have A-fib and sleep apnea, and I'm on a blood thinner for A-fib and use an oral device for sleep apnea. What could be the reason for these jerks?
August 22nd, 2023
I recently went to the ER because I missed my period, felt dizzy, and had pelvic pain. I ruled out pregnancy with negative tests. The doctor did blood work, a urine sample, and a self-swab wet prep. My blood results showed high white blood cells and low lymphocytes. The self-swab wet prep showed bacteria and white blood cells in the genital area. The doctor wasn't very helpful and just prescribed antibiotics. Could these results indicate sepsis, cancer, or lupus? I'm scared and my blood pressure was low. Does this mean the infection has harmed my reproductive organs?
May 20th, 2024
Is there a risk of HIV or other STDs from dry humping with an escort while wearing underwear, given that I had shaved my genital area that morning and had two small cuts that were about 8 hours old at the time of contact?
February 18th, 2023
I had a menstrual clot that was four inches long and an inch wide. Additionally, I went to the hospital yesterday with severe abdominal pain and was told there was a cyst. What does this mean?
June 5th, 2024
I have an 89-year-old man who hasn't been to the bathroom in about 4 or 5 days. Should I give him a laxative or send him to the hospital?
February 8th, 2023