Is there any treatment for restless leg syndrome other than prescription medicine?
July 17th, 2023
Why are my breasts getting bigger and sore, and could it be due to taking conception tablets?
October 29th, 2023
My husband treats me with disrespect, verbally puts me down, and is sometimes physically abusive. He prioritizes his family over us and never wants to spend time with me and our daughter. He has even said he loves his brother more than me. I've given him ultimatums, but he doesn't take them seriously. Part of me wants to leave after 22 years of marriage, but another part doesn't want his family to 'win.' His family never liked me and tried to break us up. They put on a front in front of him but barely talk to me behind his back. He also manipulates our daughter to take his side. I'm Catholic Spanish, and he's Albanian Muslim. I need help deciding what to do.
February 9th, 2024
My 68-year-old mother has been experiencing sudden and severe mobility issues over the past three weeks, starting with her right shoulder and progressing to her back, knees, and hips, making her unable to walk without assistance. What could be causing this rapid progression?
March 19th, 2024
I have been experiencing abdominal pain on the right side, shoulder pain behind the right shoulder, shivering, occasional chest spasms, and an itchy rash that started in the groin area and spread to other parts of my body. These symptoms developed since I fell off a bicycle and landed on my right ribs two years ago. What could be causing these symptoms and what tests should I undergo?
November 17th, 2023
Is Imdur compatible with TOPROL-XL, and does asthma affect this compatibility?
November 7th, 2024