What are the similarities and differences between celecoxib and meloxicam, and can I substitute one for the other after a knee replacement?
April 16th, 2023
I have woken up with red, weeping sores and dry, itchy sores with minor lumps on my shoulder. My husband had similar sores on his legs two days ago, and my daughter has also developed similar sores after visiting. The only change in our household is a new kitten treated for intestinal parasites. Are these sores related to the kitten, and should we seek medical attention?
August 24th, 2023
I have been experiencing various symptoms including stomach soreness, Barrett's esophagus, sore mouth/throat/jaw, numbness, tingling, and weakness for the past 8 months. My vital signs and blood tests are always normal, and some doctors believe this is mostly anxiety-related. I am concerned about the reflux issue, which is worsening despite taking Omeprazole, Tums, honey, L-glutamine, DGL licorice, and zinc supplements. I also have non-acid reflux and am considering whether to visit Mayo Clinic. How much of these symptoms are likely due to anxiety, and can anxiety cause all these symptoms? Should I continue with the current medications, including Baclofen, Omeprazole, ranitidine, and sertraline, and how can I manage dry mouth symptoms?
January 19th, 2024
I have diabetes with insulin and baked cookies today, not paying attention to my blood sugar. I just tested before bed and it's 589. I am scared since this never happened before. I take Novolin 20-40 and took 12 units of insulin. I cannot take any more insulin now. Will this cause anything serious if I go to bed now?
May 9th, 2023
My daughter used a roadside toilet today. She is 7. After she used it, I noticed there were wet marks all on the seat, urine I guess (Not from her), hard to tell as the seat is black. It was a grotty looking toilet and I am terrified now she will develop serious illness or infection. We used hand sanitizer to clean her hands after and I showered her as soon as possible which wasn't for a few hours. Please help I am very germ phobic and suffer with GAD.
November 29th, 2023
Does a sinus infection make asthma worse, and how do you know when a sinus infection requires a doctor's visit or could be complicated?
December 1st, 2023