What causes myoclonic jerks, and are they a sign of an impending seizure? Can anxiety worsen them, and will Keppra help? Additionally, what can be done to address anxiety and safety concerns when living alone?
January 6th, 2024
My Mom's leg was amputated 3 weeks ago and now there is black tissue at the staple area. What does this mean and what should be done?
June 1st, 2024
I've been experiencing unusual sensations including 'electric shock'-like feelings in various parts of my body, pressure in my left arm described as 'clogged veins', and a constant dull headache for about a week. I am a 23-year-old female taking Celexa and Sprintec birth control. The symptoms started on January 31st, before I began taking Celexa. I'm unsure if these symptoms are related to anxiety, as I have an anxiety disorder but the sensations have persisted longer than expected. Additionally, my back has started feeling sore near my shoulder blades. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do next?
July 4th, 2023
Can I take naproxen three hours after taking hydroxyzine, and which is better for anxiety between hydroxyzine and lorazepam?
August 12th, 2023
I accidentally took my morning medications (Plavix 75 mg, Metoprolol 25 mg, Citalopram 20 mg, Donepezil 10 mg, Methylphenidate 20 mg) in the evening. Should I take them as usual in the morning or wait until later in the day?
May 17th, 2023
What are the risks of inhaling dirt, soil, or dust, particularly concerning the presence of brain-eating amoebas like Naegleria fowleri or Balamuthia amoeba, and how can I ensure safety when using water in a neti pot or handling potentially contaminated substances like gasoline?
July 24th, 2024