What makes BUN levels high, and what should I do if I have high BUN levels?
June 4th, 2023
My Rheumatoid factor is 173 and my CCP Antibodies are >250. Should I be concerned about RA? I have seen my primary doctor who prescribed Prednisone 60mg for a week, then 40mg for a week. I don't have a spleen, have chronic back pain, and recently started experiencing right hand pain and difficulty gripping. The pain is worse when laying down or sitting for long periods, and sometimes ice helps. What should I do for pain relief until I can see a rheumatologist?
June 29th, 2023
I have been experiencing green stools for over a month. I am a Type 2 diabetic with an abdominal hernia and take multiple medications. My doctor is not concerned, but I am wondering what could be causing this and if my abdominal hernia could be related.
August 31st, 2023
Is it safe to eat from dishes washed in cold or tepid water?
January 12th, 2024
I got bitten by a small spider 4 weeks ago. Initially, it was red, swollen, and itchy. I used antihistamines and numbing cream, which helped, but I still have a small hard lump underneath where I was bitten. Why is that?
August 27th, 2024
My accident insurance said they would pay me $200/day if my perforation of the colon was considered an accident. What kind of information do I need to determine if this is an accident or a complication of a colonoscopy?
May 25th, 2024