Why did my physician say they cannot say I am zero risk for HIV transmission in my previous scenario, and what are the risks associated with using a public toilet where I encountered a piece of vaginal discharge?
November 30th, 2024
I occasionally get a big, oozy, watery, painful cystic-type zit on my chin. I'm a 38-year-old female and tend to pick at them when I get them. I currently have one on my chin and have noticed a lump under my jaw at the front, right at the top of my neck. Can this be a swollen lymph node due to the zit? I have no other symptoms or abnormalities. I haven't used any medication for it and haven't seen a doctor about it. I had Botox injections for TMJ three weeks ago.
July 28th, 2023
If I am going to have sex with a girl who recently tested negative for STDs, but we are not in a monogamous relationship, what are the risks of contracting HSV 1 or 2 through unprotected oral sex, and how can I minimize these risks?
July 24th, 2024
Is it safe to drink beer while on clindamycin?
March 30th, 2024
I am a 55-year-old male non-smoker who has been weight lifting for 30 years and recently started jogging on a treadmill. When I run at a fast pace for over 10-15 minutes, my heart rate goes above 159 and I experience a 'BOOM' sensation in my chest. This sensation goes away if I slow down or keep my heart rate below 152. I am concerned if this could be due to a lack of oxygen or blockage in my heart. My mother had a triple bypass, and my health is generally good with a recent weight loss of 20 lbs. What could be causing this sensation and what should I do?
March 3rd, 2024
I'm experiencing fleeting sharp pains in the lower right side of my torso, just below my rib cage. The pain has occurred three times in the last 12 hours and lasts from a few seconds to 20 seconds. What could this be?
October 16th, 2024