Why would I have a weird fuzziness in my head, and when should I be worried about chest pain?
January 26th, 2023
Buenas tardes, alguien me podría explicar la ecografía de cadera de mi hija? Ella nació a término (39 semanas) y no tiene antecedentes familiares de problemas de cadera. ¿El problema podría ser debido a un retardo en la osificación de la cabeza del femur?
June 16th, 2023
What could a mildly positive ANA test indicate, especially in the context of Raynaud’s phenomenon, and what steps should be taken to manage it?
December 18th, 2023
For the past week, I have had excessive saliva. It flows constantly except when I am asleep. I have recently given up opioids (morphine) in favor of medical marijuana. I am still on other long-term medications. I have not seen a doctor about this yet, but I was recently hospitalized for intestinal issues and had surgery four times, still with staples. What can I do about this excessive saliva?
October 8th, 2024
I had a blue Obagi peel on March 28 and was prescribed Nystatin cream on April 1, which caused an allergic reaction leading to hospitalization. I was advised to use Aquaphor and keep the area clean. My skin is still red and mottled. When can I start wearing makeup again and should I replace my facial products?
July 24th, 2024
What could a 'non descript spot on the right side of the heart' on an x-ray indicate, especially in a 31-year-old woman with cold/virus symptoms, an ear infection, and no history of pneumonia?
January 30th, 2023