Yesterday I had a couple of flashes of pain in the top of my head. Then this morning, while I was laying in bed after waking, I had a few random ones again. They were just flashes of sharp pain, not unbearable but a concern. Since I have been up about an hour and had breakfast, they have not occurred again. This is a new experience. I am a 75-year-old female and in general good health. Is this a concern? Should I let it go to see if it progresses into anything further?
October 22nd, 2023
I'm 18 years old and have been experiencing serious tiredness, mild stomach pains, nausea, dizziness, regular migraines, and rapid mood changes. I don't get periods anymore since I got the implant about a year ago. What could be causing these symptoms and what should I do?
November 23rd, 2024
I have had hypertension for years, controlled with medication, but in the last few days, my blood pressure has dropped, and I am now consistently hypotensive. My blood pressure ranges from 118/66 to 105/60, and I have increased frequency of urination. My previous blood pressure was 145/88. I have lost weight but not recently and am on glucophage, eltroxin, and atenolol. My pulse rate has slowed down to 56 and 66 from 72, and I feel lightheaded at times. What could be the cause of my hypotension?
March 20th, 2023
Need info on polycythemia vera.
December 27th, 2023
I had tested for cocaine yesterday and have not taken the drug, but I did take 4 500mg of amoxicillin on Sunday as premedicine before my dental appointment. Would this have caused the positive result?
April 23rd, 2024
I am experiencing severe itching that progresses to electrical-like shocks in my left arm, feeling like jellyfish stings, especially at night. I have been diagnosed with cellulitis/staph infection and treated with Bactrim and topical Clindamyacin, but there is no improvement. A previous diagnosis suggested nerve ending issues and prescribed a topical steroid cream and Atarax, which also did not work. I am 53 years old, have no swelling or tingling, just burning and itching sensations, scattered red bumps, redness, and no fever. What could be causing this and what further steps should I take?
November 11th, 2023