I am 30 weeks pregnant and my pulse rate is 111 today. Is this normal?
October 21st, 2023
I have been on birth control for about a month. We had sex 3 days after I started it, and I had 2 periods that month. After stopping the birth control in the middle of the sugar pills, I noticed more discharge than normal. Is there a big chance I can be pregnant, and when would be the best time to take a test?
May 20th, 2024
I have experienced a tubal laceration 6.5 years ago and have missed two periods, along with high blood pressure and a bloated belly. My appetite has increased, and I have gained about 15 pounds in the last month and a half. I am currently taking depression medication (Effexor and Wellbutrin) and am 32 years old. What could be causing these symptoms, and what tests or treatments should I consider?
June 2nd, 2024
My wife is pregnant (first time) at 36 years old, and we are first cousins with no known history of inbreeding. The combined test (nuchal scan + blood work) returned very low risk for trisomies 21, 13, and 18. We are in the 16th week and considering amniocentesis. We are offered a basic amniocentesis (results in 1 week), can it discover birth defects other than the above trisomies? Should we ask for an extended test? Are we as relatives at a significantly higher risk for sex chromosome disorders? Are the low risk results of the combined test indicative of a generally healthy chromosomal structure, or do they only relate to the 3 trisomies checked?
May 1st, 2024
I had unprotected vaginal sex with a woman during her period, and I'm worried about the risk of HIV transmission. What are the chances of me contracting HIV, and does the menstrual blood increase the risk?
July 13th, 2024
What causes a thirty-year-old to not menstruate?
January 1st, 2023