I am 32 weeks pregnant and experiencing extremely sore and swollen feet, with no relief. The soreness started about a month ago, and my pregnancy has been otherwise smooth with no morning sickness or complications. I am not taking any medications and exercise daily with my children at home, but haven't done a physical 20-minute walk in a while. I also attempted a self-abortion with cytotec pills around 4-5 months of pregnancy, which was unsuccessful. Today, I noticed a difference in skin color and hardness, almost red-like, and the pain is severe, sometimes shooting up my leg. Should I go to the ER immediately or wait until morning for an appointment?
February 2nd, 2023
I'm 38 years old and have been experiencing bleeding like a period, starting two days ago, 13 days after my last period. I'm not on birth control, not pregnant, and my thyroid is normal. I had a transvaginal ultrasound in February 2014 that showed a follicular cyst and two small fibroids. My periods have been regular until recent spotting incidents. I'm concerned about ovarian or endometrial cancer. What could be causing this bleeding and what should I do?
December 18th, 2024
I noticed a red bump on the side of my vagina lip about a week after having unprotected sex and shaving. Now, a smaller bump has appeared below it. The original bump is turning white and fluid came out when I squeezed it. Do I have herpes?
September 4th, 2024
I’m having white creamy discharge and it looks like there are small tears in my vagina. It’s also very uncomfortable. When did the discharge start? Has it been constant or does it come and go? Is there a noticeable odor to the discharge? When did your last period start and end? Does it come regularly? Anything else in your medical history you think the Doctor should know?
July 12th, 2023
I was pregnant with a due date of 1/27/21 detected from an ultrasound. My conception date was 5/6/20. I had sex on 4/30 and again on 5/6. Did I get pregnant from the 5/6 intercourse or the 4/30 intercourse?
January 20th, 2023
I’ve been on my period for 2 months now. I’ve been using the contraceptive patch since 2020, following a 3 weeks on, 1 week off schedule. I’m 25 years old, taking asthma medication, and previously took an antidepressant but stopped a month ago. I’m sexually active but haven’t been since my period started. I took a pregnancy test, which was negative. What could be causing this prolonged period, and what should I do?
February 28th, 2024