I am experiencing intense vaginal swelling and itching, continuous pain with urination, and think it might be a yeast infection. What could be causing this and how can it be treated?
March 27th, 2024
I'm 10 days postpartum and haven't bled in over 24 hours, but after sitting on the floor to build my kids' dollhouse, I experienced a gush of blood. Is this something to worry about, or should I avoid sitting directly on my butt for a while longer?
December 14th, 2024
I'm a 24-year-old female on day 3 of my period with heavy bleeding. I've been changing tampons every 4 hours, but today I had to change one in an hour due to heavy flow. Is this amount of bleeding in an hour without a pad normal?
August 23rd, 2023
I had postpartum bleeding which had completely stopped, but today I saw fresh blood again. I am 30 years old, taking thyroid, aspirin, bisoprolol, and iron medications, and had an emergency c-section with 5 weeks of postpartum. What could be causing the fresh blood, and should I be concerned about it being a hemorrhage?
April 30th, 2024
I think I might be pregnant but I've had 4 negative pregnancy tests. I am not using any contraceptives and my last period began on May 10th. I am 20 years old and my periods are a little irregular. I used to be on birth control but not anymore. I have had some symptoms like nausea. What should I do next to confirm or rule out pregnancy?
August 17th, 2023
I am pregnant but I don't want to be. How many weeks am I? What are all the medications I'm using? Are you taking any vitamins? How old are you? Anything else in your medical history you think the Doctor should know?
June 27th, 2023