I am experiencing irregular periods, getting them at different times of the month, and my thighs are hurting this time. I am not using any contraceptives or hormone pills. What could be causing this and what can I do about it?
September 28th, 2024
I'm almost 19 weeks pregnant and over the last week, I have started having tics. I have never had them before and am growing more concerned about them. Do you have any idea what they could be?
May 9th, 2024
Could someone become pregnant if they used the same toilet paper after I masturbated in the bathroom, even if there was a small trace of semen?
January 2nd, 2023
I recently found a tough spot on one of my breasts that isn't on the other, and it hurts a little if I put pressure on it. When did the pain start, and what type of pain is it?
December 2nd, 2023
I'm 6 weeks pregnant and have been experiencing light pink bleeding followed by red blood on tissue when I wipe. I also have period-like cramps. I haven't had any tests or taken any medications except for Advil PMS. I don't exercise much and haven't started taking any vitamins. What could be the cause of this bleeding and cramping, and what should I do?
June 3rd, 2024
I want to know whether I am pregnant. My last period started December 30 and ended January 4. I had unprotected sex on January 13 and 16, but my partner is certain all ejaculation was outside the body. I took an ovulation test on January 17 (negative) and January 21 (positive). I experienced spotting from January 25 to 28 and took a pregnancy test on January 25 (negative), and again on January 29 and 30 (both negative). My period is now one day late. Is it possible that I am pregnant, and how reliable are urine pregnancy tests at this point?
February 10th, 2024