I am supposed to be 9 weeks pregnant based on my last menstrual period (LMP), but I am measuring at 5 weeks and 2 days on ultrasound. My hCG levels were 2,821 on December 25 and increased to 24,362 last night. The ultrasound report findings were suspicious but not a diagnosis of a failed pregnancy. Should I prepare myself for the worst? Does it look okay?
July 12th, 2024
I'm a 47-year-old man with two concerns: 1) I sometimes experience urine leakage if I don't go to the bathroom quickly, and 2) my erection is not strong during sex with my wife. What could these issues be and what treatments are available?
December 27th, 2024
I was diagnosed with a UTI on Friday and got a positive pregnancy test today. How likely is it a true positive pregnancy or from the UTI? I am not using any contraceptives, my husband recently got a vasectomy, and I didn't know I had a UTI. I've been experiencing cramping and discomfort in my pelvic area, extreme fatigue, changes in food taste, and thick white mucus discharge. I had a negative blood pregnancy test last Monday, but a positive digital test today. What should I do?
April 20th, 2023
I have been experiencing itchiness on my vagina for the past 4 days, which started shortly after unprotected sex. There is no discharge, foul smell, bumps, or blisters. The area is slightly red and swollen, and I have to urinate more often. I am sensitive in that area and use Dove soap only. Could this be an STD?
October 2nd, 2024
I am a 23-year-old Indian female experiencing continuous light bleeding for 1.5 months, which is about 20% of my regular period flow and includes occasional clots. I have no pain in the vaginal or abdominal area. I have not used any contraceptives or medications except for Plan B once in November. My periods were regular until February when they became irregular, and I am overweight. What could be causing this prolonged bleeding, and what should I do?
March 2nd, 2024
Is it normal to experience excruciating menstrual cramps that last all day for the entire period, accompanied by vomiting and fainting? My periods are regular, lasting 4 days with heavy bleeding on the first 2 days. I am 23 years old and have been experiencing these severe cramps since I was 15. I have had a normal Pap smear but no ultrasound. Could this be due to fibroids, endometriosis, or another underlying condition?
September 12th, 2023