I had a neck CT and chest X-ray before I knew I was pregnant. Will the baby have any risks, and am I at an increased risk for cancer due to the CT scan?
February 19th, 2024
I was given medicine for a yeast infection but how do I stop the itching? My symptoms include constant itching, red, dry, scaley, and raised skin, and I was prescribed fluconazole yesterday. I do not have herpes and have been tested for it. I have allergies to ammoxcillin and kelfex.
March 29th, 2024
I am 29 years old with advanced PCOS and stage 4 endometriosis, had a tubal ligation, and am on Depo Provera. I had unprotected sex 18 weeks ago, used withdrawal, and have had no pregnancy symptoms. I took nine over-the-counter urine pregnancy tests over 18 weeks, all negative. Can I be 100% sure I'm not pregnant? Is there a possibility of tubal ligation, Depo Provera, and withdrawal all failing simultaneously, resulting in false-negative urine tests and no symptoms?
December 25th, 2023
I have PCOS and experience severe cramps not related to my period, which last about 10-20 minutes. My last period was on November 5 and comes regularly. I am 32 years old and take ibuprofen 800mg. I had an IUD removal surgery in June of last year. The cramps started a year ago and have worsened recently after my first sexual encounter in a year. I have no pain or burning with urination, no fever or chills, and no nausea or vomiting. My STD and pap smear tests were negative last week. What could be causing these cramps and how can I manage the pain?
September 19th, 2023
I am worried I might be developing an STD. The last girl I was with for a month started getting itchy down there and had to pee often. Now, a few weeks later, I seem to be itchy down there and have developed dry spots that almost look like the forming of a rash. I am very mildly itchy and it's just been the last two days so could be nothing. She had no sores or anything like that. Just itching around the area and the need to pee a lot. How often do you urinate or feel the need? Any involuntary urination? Are you experiencing any of the following: burning, pain, itchiness, or discharge? What are all the medications you're currently using, either for the STD or anything else? How old are you? Anything else in your medical history you think the Doctor should know?
February 6th, 2023
I'm 5 weeks pregnant and woke up with brown discharge. I had this in my previous pregnancy that ended in miscarriage. The discharge has no odor and is like regular discharge, just tinted brown. My last period started on May 4th and ended on May 8th, occurring every 28 days. I'm 31 years old, taking Cipralex and baby aspirin, and experiencing mild discomfort but no severe cramping, bright red bleeding, or fever. What could be causing the brown discharge and should I be concerned?
March 21st, 2023