I had a period on August 17, had sex on September 10, and experienced light bleeding on September 25. I took the morning-after pill within two days of the sexual encounter. I have tested negative for pregnancy with urine tests but used a drop of blood on a urine test, which came out positive. Can I be pregnant, and what should I do next?
May 12th, 2023
I haven't had sex in three months and the last time he did not ejaculate inside of me. I am on birth control and take it the same time each night and have not missed a pill. I had my period this month like usual and I took a pregnancy test just in case and it was negative. I have been having stomach pains and nausea mainly at night for the last month. My bowel movements have changed dramatically in the last month going from everyday to barely once a week. Could it be possible IBS or something else?
March 6th, 2023
My wife tested positive for chlamydia, and she thinks I cheated on her, leading to our decision to divorce. I have been completely faithful and have had negative STI tests before we started dating again. How could she have contracted chlamydia, and is there a possibility of false positives or negatives in our tests?
August 8th, 2023
I've been trying to get pregnant for a couple of years and recently had a natural miscarriage in August. My period returned in October, and now at 10 days past ovulation (DPO), I'm experiencing pregnancy symptoms like tingling nipples, nausea, vomiting, mild stomach cramping, and fatigue. I've taken pregnancy tests that show very faint lines, but a digital test says negative. Could I possibly be pregnant?
January 1st, 2024
I had unprotected sex 3 days ago with my boyfriend and I am due my period today. Do you think I should take the morning after pill or as I am not in my fertility days should I be OK?
June 26th, 2023
I am pregnant and had sex with two partners, one being my boyfriend. I had sex with another partner on 01/19/22 and 01/21/22, took Plan B on 01/19/22, and had sex with my boyfriend on multiple dates in January and February. My last menstrual period (LMP) started on 02/02/22, and I tested positive for pregnancy on 02/27. I had a dating ultrasound on 04/06 that measured the baby to be 9 weeks and 3 days. I am concerned about when I got pregnant and whether it could be from the other partner. Can you confirm if I got pregnant in February by my boyfriend based on the dates and ultrasound results?
September 27th, 2024