I had a small cycle for 3 days, then stopped for 3 days, and now I'm bleeding again. What could be wrong?
January 30th, 2024
I want to talk to a gynecologist about my sexual health. I go months without seeing my period and when it comes, it flows for more than 7 days in a very abundant way. I get blood clots every time I have my period. The last date was in June, then the next period arrived on October 04 but until now I am still bleeding. Last year, I went to see a doctor who prescribed contraceptives that I drank for 3 months to regulate my cycle, but when I stopped, I was very late. I didn't see my period from December to May. I have encountered this problem since 2019.
February 11th, 2024
I'm 7 days past ovulation and have had light bleeding only when I strain to go to the bathroom. I'm not due for my period until next Tuesday. Could this be early period blood, and why is it only present when I strain?
November 22nd, 2024
I think I have trichomoniasis. I've been feeling symptoms for a few days now, including thin white but also faint yellow/green discharge, burning, itching, and sores. I'm 20 years old, on birth control, and currently taking amoxicillin for strep and sertraline for depression. How long have you been concerned about trichomoniasis? What symptoms do you have?
June 26th, 2024
Should my birth control make my uterus feel swollen? I'm not pregnant; it's also making me feel very tired and sick. It started the day I started taking the pills, and it's the only thing I've changed. The swelling is constant, feels like my period is going to start but it just ended, and it's not painful just feels heavy. I'm taking Slynd and I'm 28. I keep having abnormal cells from my pap smear, they never tell me what they are. They randomly went away a few years ago and came back this year. I feel fine before I take the pill and then I'll get sick about half an hour afterwards. I'm not sure it's possible but they make me feel almost high if that makes sense?
July 7th, 2023
I have been experiencing pain in my right breast for the past few weeks. Initially thought to be from strenuous exercise, the pain persists despite stopping the program. The pain is sometimes in the same spot and sometimes moves around, occasionally feeling like a spasm. I have taken Motrin but haven't noticed any change. I plan to mention this to my OBGYN during my annual check-up. What could be causing this pain and what should I do?
August 21st, 2023