I had an IUD, and after two years had it removed. I am 30 now, and have ovarian cysts and very abnormal periods. It's been nearly 5 years since it was removed and I'm really starting to worry that the cysts will never go away, and if they're causing my weird periods. I'm also worried about ovarian cancer. Is this normal?
December 3rd, 2023
The "lips" of the left side of my vagina sear themselves. What could be causing this and what should I do to alleviate the discomfort?
April 3rd, 2023
What is the conception date if my baby's due date is 8th November 2011?
July 28th, 2023
I had a yeast infection, which I was treated with Diflucan 150mg. I took another pill after three days because I felt it didn't resolve the infection. Now, I am experiencing severe burning and irritation. I am scared to urinate due to the severe burning. I have a throbbing discomfort that does not allow me to sit or sleep well. I tried Vagisil but it burns when applied. I was told to apply A&D ointment or Desitin. What should I do to alleviate this burning sensation around the vulva (outer portion of the vagina)?
July 27th, 2023
How can I manage premenopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, and weight gain using holistic options?
March 13th, 2024
Had a miscarriage about 7 weeks ago. Bleeding lasted about 5 weeks, got heavier towards the end, and an ultrasound showed minimal tissue and fluid still inside. My hormone levels went down but are still at 26. Bleeding stopped, but now I'm having a watery discharge with a bit of an odor. Is this normal?
July 19th, 2024