I have a coil fitted, and it's been almost a year and a half. I noticed that I have not had my normal period, which was supposed to start on the 8th of January but hasn't. I did a pregnancy test three days after my period should have started, but it was negative. I would like advice on what to do next, and if I was pregnant, what the next steps should be.
April 25th, 2023
I'm a 50-year-old woman wanting to get pregnant. My periods are irregular, and I've been taking an estradiol patch and progesterone. Can I also take letrozole, and what side effects should I be aware of?
May 9th, 2023
I am 35 weeks pregnant and have vaginal itching. I bought Vagisil and have used it sparingly for 3 days. I just found out it was a Category C medication. How serious of a problem have I caused for my unborn child?
March 22nd, 2023
I am in menopause and suffering from severe dryness and itching, particularly in and around my vulva. The itchiness comes and goes and has been increasingly worse over the past couple of months. My vulva seems slightly swollen and sore, and I experience discomfort during sex. I am 54 years old, healthy, and have not had a period in 9 months. What can I do to get relief from this condition?
August 8th, 2023
I’m using Alyssa 28 birth control pills and a copper IUD at the same time. Is it possible to be pregnant even though I didn’t miss any pills? I’m experiencing extreme back pain, light-headedness, and sometimes breast tenderness. My periods have also been coming earlier than usual since getting the IUD.
May 30th, 2024
Can trichomoniasis be detected through a Pap smear, and if it was detected in my recent Pap smear, is the diagnosis likely correct? Could the infection last in my system for years, especially if I've had the same partner for two years?
August 19th, 2024