I have been experiencing soreness near my vulva area two weeks after a vaginal birth. The delivery was induced due to preeclampsia, and I had a first-degree laceration with dissolvable stitches that fell out earlier this week. There is no redness, swelling, fever, itching, burning, odor, or discharge, just regular bleeding from the delivery. The soreness is near my clitoris, not the stitches. Is this normal, and what can I do to alleviate the discomfort?
March 2nd, 2024
I had my baby on July 23rd. When I reached 10 cm, my doctor wasn’t there. I had to hold her in for about 25 minutes until he got there. Is there any way I could have harmed her or caused brain damage by not pushing when I had the urge?
March 23rd, 2024
I recently started experiencing an unusual musty or acidic smell from my private area, often associated with yeast infections. I also experience slits or tearing. What can I do?
June 15th, 2023
I had a biopsy for suspected lichen sclerosis, which came back as inflammation but negative for lichen sclerosis. I have been experiencing severe pain, redness, and occasional open areas in the anal area. I have tried steroid cream and nortriptyline for pain, but with minimal effect. What could this be, and what are the possible treatment options?
December 10th, 2024
My 20-year-old daughter is experiencing light bleeding mid-cycle, which started on day 11 of her regular cycle after recovering from a stomach virus. This has not happened before. Is this normal, and what could be the cause?
March 14th, 2023
I'm a smoking alcoholic concerned about a possible pregnancy due to an inconclusive pregnancy test. I had the implanon removed in October and haven't had a period since. I'm feeling unwell, my breasts hurt, and I've been sleeping excessively. I'm in counseling and booked for detox on Monday. Is it possible to get a pregnancy test delivered tonight, or should I wait until tomorrow to find an open doctor?
June 29th, 2023