I have fertility issues and have never gotten pregnant naturally until now. I took an Early Response pregnancy test and saw faint lines, with a slightly darker line today. My local OB's blood work showed a beta HCG of 14.07 and progesterone of 4. My local OB wants me to start progesterone, but my RE's office wants me to wait and retest next week. I'm concerned about the potential for a chemical pregnancy and whether starting progesterone now could help. Should I start progesterone immediately, or wait and risk a very early miscarriage?
December 2nd, 2023
I missed several birth control pills and took Plan B within 12 hours. Will Plan B be effective?
September 9th, 2024
Do all fetuses grow at the same rate in the first trimester, and can an 11-week fetus be mistaken for a 7-8 week fetus due to slower growth? How accurate are abdominal ultrasounds at 7 weeks, and can they be used for dating the pregnancy? Can a baby have cheek dimples if neither parent does, and can future skin color be determined from cuticles/ear color? When do most mixed-race babies get their skin color, and when does true eye color set in?
February 25th, 2024
I’ve been having a constant burning sensation and frequent urge to pee for almost a month now. My doctor tested me for UTI, STDs, and yeast infection, and all came back negative. What could it be?
May 28th, 2024
The person who did my ultrasound said my baby was conceived on June 19 or 20. They didn't use my LMP, which I thought was June 3rd, possibly the 2nd. Would this change my due date, conception date, or the chances of the baby being from a specific father? Also, how long can sperm live in a woman's body, and do boys develop sooner than girls?
February 17th, 2023
I used to be on the pill to regulate my period and manage pain, but I've been off it for almost a year and irregular periods have started again. I have a history of migraines with auras, and my doctor won't prescribe the pill due to this risk. What other options do I have for regulating my periods, and can I insist on getting the pill despite the risks?
November 21st, 2023